When There is a sales table in church please put donations in the wall safe by the glass doors. Thank you.


our children's corner

Is well stocked and available for children to use when the church is open. We would be very grateful if users could tidy up after using the area. Thank you.


Pancakes served at the Vicarage on Shrove Tuesday 11-12 all welcome. No charge.


Soup for lent on three Tuesdays in Lent 11th, 18th and 25th March. Served in church 12.30-1.30. No charge but small donations are welcome. We can also deliver soup to those who are unable to attend. There will always be at least two choices of soup.

East Peckham Silver Band Sunday 23rd March in Church at 2.30pm. No charge but retiring donation shared between the church and the band.

World Day of Prayer Friday 7th March in the Salvation Army Hall in the Freehold at 2.30pm. This years service has been written by the women of The Cook Islands.

APCM Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place after the 9.30am Sunday Service on 18th May 2025.


Jazz in the Vicarage Garden 27th July. All welcome. Music by Strings and Things.

Arts and Craft event weekend of 11/12 October 2025. Please let Jane White know if you or anyone you know who lives locally would like to exhibit their work at this event.

church renovations 

the church is in need of necessary renovation including updating of the electricity, the heating and lighting together with much needed decoration of the interior flaking paintwork. This will need to be undertaken in stages and we are hopeful of obtaining grants towards the cost. We will also need to fundraise ourselves specifically for this project.