Parish Church of the village of East Peckham near Tonbridge in Kent in the Diocese of Rochester. Postcode TN12 5LT

Margaret Lawrence wrote a book entitled 'The New Church' about Holy Trinity copies available in the church.

Pancakes at the Vicarage for Shrove Tuesday 

March 4th 11-12pm. No charge.


Soup for Lent. On three Tuesdays in Lent 11th, 18th and 25th March we will be serving a simple meal of soup and bread in the Church from 12.30-1.30. At least two choices of homemade soup plus bread and tea or coffee. No charge, donations gratefully received. 

We are pleased to host a concert by the East Peckham Silver Band on Sunday 23rd March in Church at 2.30pm. Cakes and tea served in the interval and retiring collection for the band and the church.


For more events please see the 'events' page.


East Peckham Pilgrimage Trail - you can follow our way marked trail from Holy Trinity to West Peckham St. Dunstans and St Michaels.  The inaugural walk took place on the 9th July 2019.  Photos here.




St Michael's Church East Peckham

prior to completion of Holy Trinity, St Michael's was the Parish Church of East Peckham.  Now maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust, St Michael's is open daily from 10am to 4pm and is sited on a hilltop with glorious views over the Medway Valley.